Small issue...

I've ran into a small problem... I realized I don't know how to make a game. That was kinda the point of this whole endeavor anyways, right? Throw together some crap and hope someone buys it? Well, turns out its not that simple. I'll upload a screenshot here, but the way it is, its... well, its trash. Its garbage. And I don't even know how to change the color of my capsule man! There's nothing there except for you (the bean/capsule), the ground, some boxes and an NPC capsule that moves around when you hit space. And if you get in its way or collide with it at all, your game glitches out. I don't know what the hell to do. I'm trying... and I'm failing. At least I made the ground really big. The edge is... honestly no matter how far I went, it never seemed to get any closer. Anyway, I'm done ranting. If you wanna comment with some tips or tricks, moral support, hell even hate comments, go right ahead. My therapist says I need to interact with more people :/

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